

Hospitals and other healthcare organizations have always been responsible for keeping their patients personal information safe, with the move toward EHR that means that you are increasingly responsible for IT security. Healthcare organizations are extremely inviting targets for cybercriminals-the number of attacks and breaches affecting healthcare providers has increased every year for the last 5 years. This increasingly hazardous environment is combined with the need to satisfy HIPAA, EHR, and MU requirements means that all healthcare organizations need professional help to ensure that they are protecting themselves, and their patients, from a potentially devastating breach.

Whether you need help preparing for a HIPAA audit, ensuring that your Business Associates have the needed security protocols, or testing and training to ensure that your employees have the tools and knowledge to keep your patients and your hospital safe from cybercriminals, ITPAC has the solutions that will work for you.

If any of the following are issues for your facility call ITPAC today.

  • Implementing electronic medical records (EMR/EHR)
  • Concern over HIPAA (security rule/breach reporting) enforcement/compliance requirements
  • Pursuing Meaningful Use Incentives
  • Has received Meaningful Use Incentives (Potential CMS Audit)
  • No documented risk analysis
  • No full-time security/compliance staff
  • No incident response plan
  • Personal health information not encrypted

To find out more about our services simply head over to our solutions page, if you have any questions please give us call today.